Guidelines for posting blogs to StokedMTB

If you’re stoked to contribute some amazing content to the Florida MTB community — you’re in the right place! Before you continue, please take a moment to read our guidelines for blog submissions. Once you’ve read through it all, please click the link below!

Submission Rules

  1. Only people registered to the newsletter can submit posts. Not a member yet? No worries — sign up here and get stoked!
  2. Keep advertising at a minimum (unless you’re writing a review). There’s no harm in promoting yourself, but keep it related and relevant to the Florida MTB community. 
  3. Your post must be original content that you created and wrote yourself. Winners don’t plagiarize!
  4. Make sure to properly credit anyone you reference or photography you have explicit permission to use. Your post will be removed if it has stolen imagery.
  5. Keep it clean. Double-check your post to make sure your grammar and spelling are correct — we don’t want any distractions when viewers read your post. Also, no profanity, please. StokedMTB is meant for riders of all ages.

Editorial Guidelines

  1. Your article can be long or short — it doesn’t matter, as long as it’s clear, concise, and thoughtful.
  2. You’re not required to have any images, but if they’re important to the article, please name them in the order they should be placed.
  3. For now, please only use English. Hold tight — other languages may be supported in the future!
  4. Please avoid overly long sentences and using complex words. We like to keep it simple here!
  5. If you need external links within your article, please specify where they would go in your blog and provide the link.
  6. Proofread it! Before you submit, make sure your piece doesn’t have any errors in punctuation, grammar and/or spelling.

Image Guidelines

  1.  Featured images should be at least 1600 px wide. Please make sure your photo is high-fidelity, or it may not be used!
  2. If you have multiples images throughout your article, please specify where each image is in the file names and in your article.
  3. When using someone else’s photography (that you have explicit permission to use), respect their work and make sure to credit them with their full name and website if applicable.
  4. Original photography is always preferable to stock photography! But when using stock shots, please attach the high-quality image with a link where the photos came from so we check the licensing details.
  5. Please do not reuse photos that have already been posted. Did already we mention we like originality?

Blog Submission

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Author Credit

Please make sure to fill out this as accurately as possible so we can properly credit you in your article.